Saturday, December 5, 2009

MohoDen - Denver Colorado

Top Three Lists for Outreach

In your house's experience, what have been the most effective ways to bring people to Moishe House events?
1. Free Food
2. Word of Mouth
Publication in Newspaper

What role has technology played in this (e.g. facebook, website, calendars)?
1. Email List and Sharing our Monthly Calendar of Events with those on the email list
2. Facebook Group
3. Calling the Connectors before events (
those that have the vast networks of contacts)

How will your house continue to bring in new faces?
1. We're going to continue spreading the word
2. Check out other organizations in town (with the idea that we meet, make connections, and identify synergies)
3. We're going to keep hosting awesome events that attract the attention of 20-somethings in Denver!